Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday; Cardio Sculpt and Healthy Eating!

Oh Hello There!

So this morning was my first cardio sculpt class at the gym I work at. I have taught the 6am classes before and had found them difficult as I usually teach noon or evening classes and pre-prepare earlier in the day. Last night before bed I went over everything I was going to do. I'm going to share my class set up with you, try it out yourself and let me know what you think.

What you'll need
2 Steps, one lower than the other
Hand Weights: no heavier than 8lbs, for example I used 5lbs and it was tough
Barbell: This one can be heavier, mine was about 25 lbs this morning
Bosu: optional

So here's the workout, I go by time (I find it more challenging) but you can go by reps if you would like :D

Warm Up: Dynamic Arm Rotations: You want to warm up the shoulder joint, do this for approx 1-2 minutes
Jumping Jacks: 30 seconds
High Knee Rear Kick: Raise the right knee up then kick behind with the left leg 1 minute then switch sides

Round 1: Cardio!
a) Stair Run on 1 of the steps: 1 minute
b) Up Up-Side Side on Bosu: step both feet up on the bosu step both feet off to the side, back up then to original position: watch the bosu because you can twist your ankle! 1minute
c) Box Jump Burpie: jump onto the low step going into a squat until thighs are parallel with the floor, jump off and kick the feet out until you are in a plank position with your hands on the box. 1 minute
d) Plank Jacks: in a push up position with hands on the low step kick both legs out to the side then bring them back to the middle. 1 minute
e) Mountain Climbers on Step
Repeat Again

Round 2: Strengthening
a) Straight Leg Deadlifts with Barbell: 30 seconds
b) Straight Leg Deadlifts with Barbell with Trap Raise: 30 seconds
c) Straight Leg Deadlifts with Barbell with Trap Raise moving to a Military Press: 30 seconds
d) One legged Deadlift with front raise (dumbells) 30 seconds each leg
e) Twisted Lunge (weight optional): Keeping the hips forward and the right knee pointing forward lunge the left leg back behind the right leg at about a 45 degrees, then bring the left  up and to the side bringing the knee as high as possible: 30 sec each leg
f) Arm Combination: stand on one leg (optional) and using your dumbbell do this sequence 1. lateral raise 2. front raise 3. front raise all the way up then shoulder press: 1.5 minutes
g) Plank Triceps: go onto all fours and extend the left leg back off the floor and with the right arm do triceps kick backs for 30 secs, then extend the right arm backwards palm facing up pulse towards the ceiling 30 sec, repeat with other side.
h) Push Ups: 1 minute

Round 3: Repeat Cardio Circuit 2 times

Round 4: Repeat Strengthening

You should be toast after this. Remember to take breaks whenever you need it, but push yourself HARD.

This circuit will boost your metabolism and confuse the hell outta yer muscles!

Any questions feel free to ask

I've also had a very healthy eating day! Go me! Breakfast was yogurt a banana, lunch was a spinach wrap with tofurkey, lettuce, low fat may, tomato, onion, avocado and yellow pepper and some jasmine tea!

Stay Strong


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