Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Power of Perspective

I wrote this for someone close to me. I’m hoping that this may help someone else looking to find perspective in there life……*(note this has been edited to keep the identity of the original recipient confidential)
I hope you are not being too critical on yourself about where you are in you your life right now. I feel it is very important to not get discouraged and to avoid living in a world of “I wish’s”, “if only’s” and “one day’s”. We all have points in our life where things don't go exactly as planned, and the important part is to acknowledge where we are, not beat ourselves up about our flaws and move forward. 

I'd like to share something about myself with you, which hopefully can add perspective about your life. My intention is not to bash anyone, their lifestyle and who they are in any way, so keep that in mind when you read this. I just want you to see that you are someone great, the potential you have in yourself and that no matter what happens, we can pull ourselves out of the worst of situations by changing our perspective. We 
In the summer of 2005 after I finished my first degree, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I hated everything about being a vet tech (this was due to my negative perspective) and I felt I was not living my life the way –I- wanted. So I did what any 19 year old in this society would do. I partied my ass off. I smoked a couple packs a day, I drank to the point of getting wasted at least every weekend (if not most nights) and ate like crap. I had no intention or interest in having a career, reading any books or really doing anything with my life, I was lost.
Now, the beautiful thing about Windsor, is if you drink downtown often, you're popular. So I was constantly surrounded in people supporting this lifestyle, who I considered my "friends". Now, I don't regret the things I've done, because I feel they've made me who I am, and I am not bashing going out, as it's important to have fun with friends. The fact is though, I was unhealthy, and the only person that paid for this was me.

I never worked out at that point in time, despite my athletic background from highschool (by “never” I mean that I’d go to the gym for a week then take 3 months off), and I lived off fast food. I felt and looked like shit all the time. But I stayed in this lifestyle because these so called "friends" lived this way, so I did to. I was terrified of changing, because of the rejection I would most likely suffer from my peers when all of I sudden “party girl Robyn” didn’t want to party. 

It was in the summer of 2006 I was ejected from my car that I managed to flipp 3 times and when driving home from my waitressing job at 2am. No one knows how I survived. I suffered from a sever concussion, was cut, bruised, and all of the skin on my back was pretty much gone. Guess how many of these "friends" visited me in the hospital....1, yea good friends I know ;)

During my 3 week stay in the hospital and 3 months in recovery at home I had a lot of time to think. I realized that -I- am the only person responsible for my happiness and success in life so I decided to change my life. 

I started thinking at points in my life I was the happiest and felt the best, and it was always when I was physically active. So I started to run. At first it was only 5 minutes, but soon I was up to half an hour. I was already enrolled to go back to school for social work, but due to my car crash I couldn’t start for another year. This is when I decided to get my personal training certification and go into Human Kinetics. 

Now, the wonderful thing about being proactive with physical activity is it breeds being proactive in other parts of your life, this has translated over to my school, my career, my love life (i.e. I met the love of my life), my finances, my volunteer work (i.e. I started volunteering) and my friends. Life is good, and I attribute this to one thing..... a change in perspective and the knowledge I have a CHOICE in everything I do.

You are in control of you. I hope you don't see this as me lecturing you in anyway or bragging about how awesome my life is. I just want to shed a little sunshine on people who may be stuck in a difficult time in their life.

Take this time off to reflect. I hope you continue (or start) on the path of achieving everything you can be.

Robs ♥

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