Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free Weight Resistance Training Workout & How I Ate Today

Hello Internets

So today was my first day of teaching both my 6am Cardio Sculpt and my noon Total Body Conditioning (30min spin and 30 minutes resistance) classes... and let me tell you, I'm exhausted. Therefore, there will be no 8:30pm yoga tonight for Byn (is it weird when I refer to myself in the third person? Byn thinks so)

Don't get me wrong though, it's a good exhaustion and I love feeling like this. A lot of people who don't work out sometimes seem to have the misconception that being tired from physical activity may inhibit them from accomplishing more in their day. I find, however, it's the exact opposite! I had so much energy today due to my 2 hours of cardio and resistance training that I was bouncing off the walls in my lecture and during my supervisor shift... oh my poor coworkers.

But seriously, increasing your physical activity helps you sleep better and gives you more energy during the day... what's not to love. Plus all those anti-dying effects are a bonus!

Ok so, you're probably reading this for the good stuff so I'll stop rambling. Here is a free weight full body resistance training program to do every other day. Do not do this twice and a row and these exercise do not need to be done in order because they are all large muscle group exercises.

Beginner-Intermediate Full Body Free Weight Program


  • Barbell: start off lower 12-20lbs, for more a intermediate workout you can use 55-60lbs+ depending on the exercise.
  • Dumbbell: start off lower 5lbs-8lbs, for more intermediate workout you can use 10lbs-15lbs+
  • Bench or Yoga Ball
  • Bosu (BS): optional for intermediate workout, not recommended for beginners.
Each exercise can be done in 3 ways. 1) is to go by time 45sec-1min/set, 2) is to go by reps for endurance 12-15 reps/set 3) is to go for strength 6-10reps/set.

What Each Will Do...
#1: this will enhance your muscle endurance and get your heart rate up, do this after you are good with technique
#2: good for beginners and learning technique while strengthening.
#3: good for intermediate, intermediate should not do #2.

*Do 3-4 set of each exercise

Exercise #1: Weighted Reverse Lunges (Off BS Optional)
  • Using you barbell on your shoulders or holding your dumbbells either side of your hips step backwards and drop the back knee (do not focus on the front knee except for keeping it from not going over your toe)
  • Make sure your hips are pointed forward, your front foot and back foot are forward and your knee does not go over your toe.
  • #1
  • BS option, make sure the BS doesn't slip by placing a yoga mat underneath it or putting it against the wall. Your front foot should be in the center of the Bosu.

Exercise #2: Straight Legged Deadlift with Trap Raise

  • Using your barbell stand with your abdominals engaged (i.e. flex your abs) and your shoulders back (I always tell my clients to stick there boobs out and keep them out throughout the movement) and your arms down in front of you.
  • Bend forward keeping the legs AND back straight going as far as your back allows you without curving.
  • Exhale and lift back up to the starting position, squeeze your gluts (your butt) and raise the arms up until the hands are right under your chin (your arms will kind of look like a big bow tie)
  • Lower the arms to the starting position and complete the movement again.
  • Intermediate: Turn your BS over and perform the exercise onto of the upside down BS= BE CAREFUL.
  • Warning: If you have lower back problems bend your knees when coming forward. 


Exercise #3: Bent Over Rows

  • Using your barbell bend over at a 45 degree angel (kind of like your riding a bike in a "aggressive" stance).
  • Engaging your core and making sure your back is straight grip the barbell with the palms facing down (the same as #2).
  • Move the arms back and the elbows together, breathe out. Imagine you are trying to grip a pencil in between your shoulder blades.
  • Move the arms down and inhale to complete the set.
  • #3
  • Note: the torso should not move during this exercise like when doing deadlifts. 

Exercise #4: Dumbbell Chest Press
  • Lie on an incline bench or on a yoga ball. If you are on a yoga ball (which is better because you'll get more glut and abdominal engagement) walk forward until your upper back is on the ball and squeeze your butt so your hips are inline with your chest.
  • Grip the dumbbells and lift them over your so your palms are facing away from your face and the middle of the dumbbells are in line with right between your pecs/boobs.
  • Move your arms down until your upper arms are parallel with the floor, do not go further than this.. everyone does and its BAD FORM.
  • Exhale and push the weights back to starting position.
  • #4
  • Warning: having someone spot you with heavier weight is recommended.

There you go! I didn't add abdominals to this one because that is for a later date.. maybe a video! I know it seems like not a lot with only 4 exercises but trust me if you use heavy weight (when you're strong enough) and do all 4 sets you will feel this.

Now for how I ate today. It was an alright day, but I could have been healthier. I'll include my calorie content so you get an idea..

Byn's Food Today!


  • Jasmine Herbal Tea: 0 Calories and Delicious! 
  • Flax Seed Bagel with Peanut Butter: 344calories
  • 2 Spinach Wraps including 1 whole Avacado, 1/2 cup of Spinach, 1/4 Red Onion, 1/4 Red Pepper, Baby Tomatoes, Pepper and 2 Tbls Spoons Pesto Sauce: Approx 500 calories
  • Water
  • 1medium size orange: 62 calories
  • Rice Crackers: 45 calories
  • Water (I really drink it all the time haha)
  • Healthy Choice Pasta (I know I was lazy): 250calories
  • 1 Glass of Orange Juice: 242 calories
Daily Approximate Total: 1443 calories

So I really should have eaten maybe 200 more calories considering my BMR (basal metabolic rate) is approximately 1300 calories for my size and I worked out for 2 hours today. But all in all an okay day!

Hope you enjoyed my post! More to come!

Stay Strong


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