Monday, January 17, 2011

First Day of Bootcamp!

Hello Everyone!

Today is my first day teaching this semesters Body Blast Bootcamp at Campus Recreation. This is always a fun day. The way I teach my bootcamp is different than most fitness classes. I kind of consider it a kick ass curves class as we work station to station.

I'm a firm believe in the benefits of short bouts of high intensity exercise, and coupled with a non judgmental, fun yet tough atmosphere I find most women love it. Now my bootcamp is womens only, which some people disagree with. I can see why, gender segregation just potentates gender issues to some degree. However, I'm a realist and I know that some women feel more comfortable pushing themselves in there own gender group. Plus there was/is a very similar co-ed program called "The WorkHorse Lifestyle" at my gym, who has recently just changed there programing.

In my class I take 32 beginner to advanced women and show them that they can work hard, much harder than they ever thought and get incredible benefits.

I have a few rules in my bootcamp, and I recommend them to any other fitness instructor,

1.       Be on time or slightly early. Bring water, ware appropriate footware and clothing . A towel is recommended but optional.

2.       If you know you will be late or absent for class e-mail or call Robyn no later than 1-2 hours before class so she can adjust accordingly as your attendance/non-attendance matters!

3.       Have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously.

4.       BBB is a non-jugmental zone, be nice, friendly and respectful to everyone in the class.

5.       This class is a full class with many on the waiting list. I would love to let your friends try to class, but unfortunately due to the way I progress with the class this is not possible.

6.       Take the class at your own pace! We are all different fitness levels so if you need a break take one, I will never yell at you (unless I know you can work harder haha). The goal is to push yourself but still be able to function.

7.       If you are injured let Robyn know, she can give you different exercises.

8.       Make sure you eat 2-4 hours before coming to class. It is strongly recommended NOT to eat within the hour before class as due to the intensity of BBB you may feel nausea if your stomach is full. Also, if you do not eat 2-4 hours before class you may become hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) and feel dizzy or faint during class.

I have found over the years if you provide these expectations as people come into your class it shows them that you care about them as a person to take the time to make a class enjoyable and it also gives them some accountability to keep coming. Especially the "your attendance matters"... which isn't lying because the number of stations is dependent on the number of people that sign up. 

Now some people may disagree with providing rules for people attending your class, as it could be considered a turn off to those coming to you as a beginner, but I believe if an instructor delivers their expectations in a positive encouraging matter they wont come off as hard rules to follow.

Since there is 32 people in my class I have to be strategic with the circuits I set up. I have limited equipment and space so at the beginning of the semester I set up 8 stations with 4 people a station. I find 8 is a good number for the beginners to start off with (we eventually work up to 13) and it allows me to keep my eyes on everyone and keep everything under control.

For my first class I'm doing something slightly different than usual. I usually start off with my Bootcamp speech explaining what bootcamp is and what to expect. I'm providing a handout with all of the expectations along with my contact information! So hopefully some of them are reading this blog tonight.

Then before we do the warm up I explain all the stations and have them break into groups of 4. There is one stipulation that they must try and work with someone they do not know. I do this so they learned to know people other than their friends in the class so they feel comfortable still coming if there friend is deathly ill (because that's the only reason they wouldn't come right)

Here is the circuit we are doing today. I'm trying to keep it cardio intensive with big muscle groups for resistance. This will give me a good idea as to where everyone is sitting form and cardiovascular fitness wise.

Each group of 4 will stay on each station twice before moving so they can push themselves harder the second time around, and for my more advanced bootcampers they can work right threw. Each station will be 45 seconds with a 20 second rest.

Station 1: Bosu Stair Run

Station 2: Med Ball Squat Raise

Station 3: Deep Step Push Ups

Station 4: Box Jumps

Station 5: Agility Ladder

Station 6: Reverse Lunge Pulse

Station 7: Bosu Burpies

Station 8: Yoga Ball Roll Outs

If you want to know any in depth descriptions let me know.

Stay Strong


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