Sunday, July 10, 2011

Oh My Goodness No Gym! No Problem

Hola Internets!
So it is the end of my first week here in Kitchener! Other than going absolutely squirrely because I am not working out of the house (I could never be a housewife), life up here is pretty nice. It’s fantastic to finally be back living with Scott. However, money is tight until I get a job so that means...duh, duh, duh..... NO GYM.
Not to worry my internet companions, Byn has more than 1 trick up her sleeve. One of them is to not require a gym to workout....or equipment for that matter. How? Body weight my friend. I got 100 and something pounds of resistance and I know how to use it!
You can stay incredibly strong just using your body weight in a combination of high volume resistance training, circuit training, cardio and yoga! So that’s what I am doing in my spare time.
“But you’re an effing personal trainer Byn! I can’t just think up workouts out of thin air”.  You may be saying this to yourself, but have you ever tried to? You know how I come up with my workouts. I search for them and use a little creativity and imagination!
Go to your google browser... type in “body weight circuit training” and see what comes up. A little slice of good workout info can be found on the YouTube channel Her workouts are awesome, just turn off the volume if you don’t want to listen to her moaning for 10 minutes.
I will also provide you in this blog with a quick little 30-45 minute circuit that I did last week in the apartment with a yoga mat and a chair. You have at least a chair, and a carpet or grass are basically yoga mats... so no excuses.
This circuit works everything. I was a sweaty child doing air conditioning!
Byn’s Apartment Workout
Dynamic Warm Up: Jumping jacks or jock on the spot for 30sec-1 minute. Rotate hips and shoulders.
Circuit 1: 3 Exercises
·         Tuck Jumps: 15 Reps: Jump as high as you can and tuck your knees (if your unsure how to do any exercises watch Wednesday’s blog or google it)
·         Quick Squats: 30reps: weight on the heels, sit as if you were going to sit in a chair with your knees should width apart and knees do not go over the toes
·         Mountain Climbers: 50 reps: go into a plank/push up position on the floor. Move your knees to chest alternately like you’re running on the spot
·         Take a 1 minute break, grab water, repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 sets

Circuit 2:  4 Exercises
·         In Out Push Ups: 20 Reps: either straight legged or on knees (you can drop to your knees when you fatigue out in straight leg) start with hands shoulder width apart, do a push up, move hands in close to body, do a push up. Rinse and Repeat
·         Burpies: 10 Reps: Starting standing jump into the air then place your hands on the floor and thrust the legs backward so you end in a plank position. These are alternately called “squat thrusts”. Do not do push up with these.
·         Tricep Dip on Chair: Reps: Place your palms on the edge of a sturdy chair with your finger tips facing you. Drop your body by bending your elbows. Push back up to the starting position. Keep your knees bend when your feet are on the floor to make this easier, straight legs are harder.
·         Roll Under Mountain Climbers: 50: The same as the mountain climbers in circuit 1 but this time when you bring your knee up roll it under your body to the opposite shoulder.
·         Take a 2 minute break in between each set, repeat this 2 more times for a total of 3 sets
Circuit 3: 5 abdominal exercises
·         Half Sit Ups: 25 reps: Like a normal sit up, except you do not go up all the way and stop at roughly 45 degrees.
·         Jack Knives: 10 reps: lyeing on your back keeping the arms straight over your head and your legs straight, raise your arms and your legs simultaneously meeting at the middle of your body.
·         Russian Twists: 50 reps: Feet up or lightly resting on the floor, sit on your bum, lean back, clasp your hands together and twist.
·         Reverse Cruches: 20 reps: in the same position as Russian twists put your hands behind you and bring your knees to your chest and back out.
·         Leg Raises: 10 reps: placing your hands under your bum, lye down. Raise your legs into the air jeeping them as straight as possible, tilt the hips and push your feet to the ceiling. Lower the legs for one rep
·         Take a 1 minute break in between each set, repeat this 3 more times for a total of 4 sets.
So there you go... your very own awesome workout with 0 equipment. Now the motivation to do it.... hmmmmm. I’ve go some ideas.
How to Get Off the Couch and Do This!
1.       Do a load of laundry and try and finish this circuit before your laundry is finished.
2.       Invite your pal over to show them this awesome new workout you found and do it together.
3.       Make your husband/wife/kids do it for something different... in the back yard!
4.       Write me an e-mail to tell me what you thought of it and how hard it was... then I’ll give you more, that means you have to do it.
5.       Record yourself and a friend doing it and post it on my YouTube Channel as a response to Wednesday’s workout.
6.       Download some awesome new workout music and see if you can finish the workout before your playlist finishes.
7.       Give yourself a little reward for completing this workout... say a new pair of earrings or a new picture frame (something not food related).
There... wow look at all those ways to do this workout! I personally like 4 and 5.
Ok, so I think that’s it for this Sunday! Stay tuned for Wednesday’s video blog where I’m going to go to the park and do a workout for you!
Stay Strong Internets


  1. I love it baby girl! motivation to get off the couch for me is a swift kick in the ass! haha! or usually somethign to look forward to like a pool party or a vacation which might be why im lacking in motivation :( sad buti do like circuit # 1 its quick easy and itll make you sweat. those damn mountain climbers everyone has that one exercise they despise and thats mine but i know it works so i suck it up! love reading these things girly! keep it up!

  2. t is crucial when designing an upper body vertical jump exercise to increase vertical jump that your program follows the same principles that you have created for your lower body core workout.

  3. Thanks for the positive feedback Jenny! Montanna, great point, can you provide an example of what you are talking about as I'm not 100% familar with the principle of upper body vertical jump exercises.
