Monday, June 6, 2011

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: How to Decrease Your Stress Under Pressure

Good Morrow Internets!
We all have immense power, even if we sometimes do not realize it. This power is what allows us to live our lives we want to live them, be happy, successful and productive. The power we possess is the freedom of our own actions, or in other words, the power of choice.
I believe all of the great people in this world, whether they were writers, leaders or just every day people like you and me realized at some point in their life they have complete 100% control over what they think, do and say.
I used to think that things in life happened to me because of a magical force I had no control over. Externally blaming the world for our problems is the war cry of the unhappy. This might manifest in some things you say to yourself, such as “I have no time to de-stress”, “I’m too busy to be happy” or “If only a, b and c would go away then I could finally be successful”.
Now, taking ownership of your life is a long process. You just don’t go from being a stressed out, miserable, out of shape ball of person (aka me 5 years ago) to a happy self fulfilled successful individual, it takes time.
However, the first thing you must say to yourself from this moment forward and believe is “I am 100% in control of everything that happens in my life, and I am going to live the way I want to live”.  You might be saying to yourself while you read this “but Robyn, I can’t control if I get a flat tire, or the bus is late so I’m late for work, or that asshat cut me off”. True, you cannot control some external things from happening, but what you can control is how you react, how it affects you and what you’re going to do about it.
Take this example from my former unproductive life. I used to think I was dumb. I was never the top student in the class and as a result of that I ended up working as a full time waitress with no aspirations of doing anything other than that. I treated people like how I wanted them to treat me to re-affirm my negative view of myself, so I didn't have to deal with life.
 Five years later I am graduating top of my class with a bright academic career in front of me. Now what is the difference between 19 year old Robyn and 24 year old Robyn? I now know that I –am- smart, despite what anyone says and that I have the choice to either accept a fate I feel I have no control over or stop bitching and take ownership of my life. I treat people how I want to be treated, and the results are very rewarding indeed!
So start today living your life the way you want to. Stop making excuses. You do have time, you do have the money, you are smart enough, you are strong enough and you are determined enough. Now make it happen.
Stay Strong

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