Monday, June 13, 2011

Cardio Core Workout and How to Make Our Favourite Food Healthier!

Hello Internets!!!

It's time for my weekly instalment. Today I'm going to give you a kick ass 1 hour cardio core circuit training workout and some tips on how to make your favourite foods a little healthier.

So to start off, here's my cardio core workout. I did this last Friday and it was awesome. What you'll need is to eat properly 2-4 hours before so you have enough energy, a skipping rope, a mat and some awesome music.

What you want to do for your music is make a play list with cardio songs followed by ab songs. For this workout you skip for one song then do an ab workout for one song. Each song should be between 3 and 5 minutes.

#1: Skip for 1 song
#2: Leg Raise followed by Toe Touch 1 song
#3: Skip for 1 song (S41S)
#5: Leg Raise, Spread Your Legs the Crunch Up: 1 song
#6: S41S
#7: Oblique Jack Knives (Do other side half way through song)
#8: S41S
#9: Sit Up Twist Crunch

** This will roughly take you 30 minutes, take a break

#10: S41S
#11: Plank Roll Unders
#12: S41S
#13: Russian Twist
#14: S41S
#15: Jack Knives
#16: S41S
#18: Plank
#19: S41S
#20: Bicycle Crunch

So there you go! Have fun with this :)

Ok, time for the second half of my post. I'm going to tell you how to make some of your favourite foods a little healthier or nutritious. I'm going to focus on 4 things: Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Chocolate and Pizza!

1: Byn's Healthy Hamburgers

There are several different ways to get your hamburger fix with fewer calories. Try some of the following;
  • Replace hamburger patty with vegetarian patty: My favourite: Lick's Nature Burgers.
  • Better yet, replace your meat patty with a Portobello mushroom!!!
  • Use twelve grain buns rather than white bread.
  • Load up the fresh veggies on your burger. Raw red onion, tomatoes, pickles, lettuce or avocado are some of my favourites.
  • Minimize condiments and use low sugar low fat options. Ketchup is way worse for you than some people realize. Use hummus instead.
  • No cheese, you don't need and honestly won’t miss me.
2: Byn's Healthy Hotdogs
  • Follow the same rules as above! Try vegetarian hotdogs, they are so much better for you and low in calories, such as Yves brand hotdogs.
  • Try vegetarian chilli on your hotdogs instead of the meat version.
3: Chocolate
  • Let’s not kid ourselves, we crave sweets sometimes, it is going to happen. I find a great way to deal with these cravings is to keep or get some chocolate. But not just any chocolate, get high coco chocolate.
  • I would recommend starting with a lower percentage such as 60% or 70% and slowly work your way up to 80% or 90%. After awhile regular chocolate will be too sweet for you.
4: Pizza!
Pizza is my favourite thing to play around with because.... I love pizza! There is a whole bunch of things you can do such as...
  • Make your own crust. Use whole wheat or 12 grain crust. This is fun thing to do on the weekend since you have more time, and then you can eat it for dinner on Monday.
  • Low cheese high veggie. Load up your pizza with things like mushrooms, onion, broccoli, zucchini, sweet potatoes... you get my drift. The more veggies the better, the less cheese the better.
  • Less processed the better! Do not put processed meats of cheese on your pizza, these foods are not only high calorie, but high salt ect.
With these little tips you can still have some of your favourite foods but still make positive changes.

Stay Strong Internets


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