Thursday, May 5, 2011

Heavy Lifting-It's Summer Time!

Sunny Happy Hellos Internets!

I think spring has finally arrived here in Windsor Ontario (*knock on wood). That means it's time to get my butt in gear! Around this time of year I change my training, even though I work out on a consistent basis.

"Change your training to what Byn?" you may be asking. Well internet person, this is your lucky day because I am going to provide my workout routine for the first part of the summer just for you (and only you).

First, why this program? Well, during the winter I do endurance training. I mainly do this to keep my body balanced during bouldering season. I might change it next year when I'm doing more intensive training (aka actually having acces to a training gym)(Fig.1), but that is what I did this year. I basically maintain in the winter, because it’s not like I'm walking around naked a lot in front of people during this time of year.

Figure 1. What bouldering comps look like when you have no climbing gym=EPIC FAIL

For the summer, however, the nakedness increases. Not to 100%, but sometimes up to 80% if I'm in a bikini. So I want everything to tone up. This is where heavy lifting comes in, for me, it does exactly that.

Heavy lifting transforms my body, mainly my butt (Fig 2.)

Figure 2. What heavy lifting does to my butt (may not be to scale)

"Why not just lift heavy all year round Byn? Wouldn't you just be firm in the winter too?" Ahhh an excellent point internets. Well, as you know, the body is a finite thing. If I overdo it all year round I increase my risk of injury (especially during comp season), which I don't want. Also, I find the time off during the winter allows my body to reap the full benefits when I do start heavy lifting.

Ok enough blabbering about why I do it, you came here for the soy-meat and yams so to speak... the good stuff. Well here is my training schedule. As always, if you have no idea how to do an exercise leave a comment, email or facebook me.

Byn's Get Butt Ready for Summer Workout

Monday: Circuit Training and Yoga

Starting May 16th I will be doing my circuit training with staff fitness on main campus. However, right now I do 4 circuits of 2 exercises for times for a total of 16 circuits. For more detail stay tuned or see previous posts.

At the end of my circuit I stretch, I don't do abs as I do them with my night bootcamp on Mondays.

I also do yoga on Mondays.

Tuesday: Heavy Legs and Spin

For my leg workout I do the following a dynamic warm up (see previous post).

  • Leg Press: Warm up of 10 reps: 90lbs, 3 Sets of 6-8 Reps: 230lbs.
  • Straight Leg Deadlift: 4 sets, 6-8 reps of 95-110lbs
  • Heavy Reverse Lunge: 4 sets, 6-8 reps of 25-30lbs dumbbells
  • Leg Extension Machine: 4 sets, 6-8 reps, 55lbs
  • Yoga Ball Roll Outs: 4 sets fatigue
  • Calf Raises: 2 sets fatigue (no weight).
Then I teach a spin class and stretch.

Wednesday: Circuit and Yoga: This day is the same as Monday

Thursday: Upper Body and Spin

For my heavy upper body I do the following (be careful not to injure your shoulders).

  • Assisted Pull Up: 4 sets of 6-8, 25lbs
  • Bench Press: 4 sets of 6-8, 70lbs
  • Seated Row: 4 sets of 6-8, 85lbs
  • Dumbbell Incline Chest Press: 4 sets of 6-8, 35-40lbs
  • Lat Pull Down: 4 sets of 6-8, 70lbs
  • Push Ups: Fatigue (I do whatever pushups I feel like)
Friday: Make Up Day
  • I don't schedule a work out on Friday so if I need to make up a work out I can. For example this week my legs were destroyed after Tuesday, so I making my circuit training for Wednesday on Friday.
Saturday: Rest or Climb or Cardio
  • This is dependant week to week.
  • For example this week I'll be doing a TBC class for Neil so I'll do cardio
Sunday: Rest

So as you can see there is some flexibility in there and rightfully so. Sometimes life gets in the way, so if I do my heavy lifting on the weekend, it's no big deal. As long as I get my two days in I'm a happy girl.

Sometimes I'll do 2 leg days a week. As of right now it's not necessary as I've JUST started heavy lifting again, but come July I might need a little extra.

I try to eat a lot cleaner in the summer as well, which always helps. The beers on the patio always seem to get me though.

If you have any questions don't hesitate!

Stay Strong Internets



  1. Hi Robyn,

    Your blog is excellent. I am especially interested in the idea of seasonal training. I tend to do the same sorts of things all year round with the idea that I am making progress but in reality the progress is slow. It never occurred to me to separate the endurance and heavy lifting/muscle gain and really focus in on one thing. How do you support your lean muscle mass during the endurance training time? Do you include any body weight exercises then? Or plyometrics? (I hope this is the right term for jumping type stuff -- burpees, jump lunges, box jumps etc)

    I am really enjoying your Bootcamp class and I love the energy that you always bring to it!

  2. Hey Karen! I'm glad you enjoy my blog!

    It is very important to change your workout routine every 3-4 months to keep your body confused in order to make progress. Our bodies are VERY adaptable so after awhile of doing the same thing your body gets used to the training and changes slow down.

    For example, I have to do extra cardiovascular training on top of my spin classes to lean down because I have been spinning consistently for so long it doesn't do anything for me.

    For me, rock climbing supports my lean muscle mass during my endurance time. Pylometrics and body weight exercises will do the same thing!

    Thanks for the question and postive feedback!
