Monday, May 2, 2011

Dynamic Warm Up and Motivation

Oh Hi Internets!

Today was the first day of my spring Bootcamp session. I'm trying something slightly different based on the feedback provided from the winter session. I extended the warm up to include a lot more dynamic movement before we get going. The reasoning behind this is some of the ladies found they got muscle cramps or were inadequately warmed up for the sessions.

So my bootcampers will be expected as of week 3 to start their dynamic warm up as soon as they enter the fitness studio (up to week 3 I'll be instructing it). This is because when we get to week 3 I extend the workout to push their body harder, so I need as much of the full hour as I can get.

Here is the warm up (I hope all my bootcampers read my blog so that they can review before coming to class *hint)

1. 20 Jumping Jacks
2. ~30 seconds of high knee-elbow back running (focus on core rotation).
3. 12-15 front lunges with twist each leg (walking or stationary)
4. 12-15 reverse lunges with ilio stretch (walking or stationary)
5. 30 seconds of high kicks (for hamstrings)
6. 30 seconds of lateral lunges (for hips)
7. Arm and leg swings until we are ready to go or repeat any of above if necessary.

I find the beginning of the semesters always exciting. I actually get a little nervous to teach the first class from time to time. I think this is because I really put myself out there when I'm instructing. I feel trying to relate to the members of the class is the most important thing to do.

I say to my class all the time how much they motivate me and this is 100% the truth. I feel energized after seeing how hard my bootcampers work, which makes me want to work harder myself!

I know motivation can be tough for a lot of people. I think I have blogged about motivation before, but since the summer is approaching us quickly (although the weather would seem to suggest otherwise) I thought it may time for some more tips.

Byn's Motivational Tips for Staying Fit (or anything really!)

1. Make a Plan: 

 I find for myself this is something that really keeps me on track, if I don't have a plan, well, I don't do much of anything. This takes a bit of brain power and time, but is very rewarding in the long run. I don't suggest making a long term plan to start off with, because the more general the plan the harder it is to follow it (or at least that is what I have found).

For example, my plan this week is to eat healthy and work out. The time length is good, but we need to be more specific here.

So I break this down into,
  •  Tuesday I'm spinning and lifting,
  • Wednesday I'm circuit training,
  • Thursday I'm spinning and lifting,
  • Friday I'm circuit training,
  • Saturday I'll do a work out with my fiancĂ©
  • And Sunday is an optional rest day...... much better!
As for food...I NEED to go grocery shopping tomorrow, which I will do in the morning before work. I will buy my usual... see previous blogs for details.

So as you can see this plan is a good length and is specific, which will increase my chances at being successful. This will further motivate me for the following week.

2. Associate Working Out With Something You Enjoy

Let’s face it... if you're doing it right, working out sucks! So associate it with something awesome. For me, that is music. Music keeps me going right until the end of my workout. I recommend strategically placing songs where you know you start to fade. For example, I start to want to really stop running about 15 minutes in without fail. If I can get past the 20 minute mark I'm golden. So I put a kick ass song at the 15 minute mark to get me threw the "hell 5" as I call it.

For you it could be something other than music. Some people enjoy shopping! So say if you work out (insert number here) days this week you'll buy yourself that pair of cute earrings at Aldo Accessories.

One thing I don't recommend associating this with is food. I've had previous clients actually gain weight when starting a workout regime and when I ask them how they are eating the reply is "well because I've been working out I treat myself to McDonalds/Cheesecake/Doritios/another bottle of wine/ect". This is ok once in awhile but may hinder your goals if weight loss is one of them.

3. Find a Friend

This, I know, is easier said than done; but try and find a workout
partner that is around the same fitness level and has the same goals as you. This will keep you motivated trust me. I try and accumulate as many people in my life that work out as possible. I don't necessarily workout with these people, but I use them to keep me accounted for my actions.

Bobby and Me!

One of my major motivator friends is Bobby Tran from Workhorse Capacity here in town. When I see him post his healthy crazy meals on facebook, I want to eat healthy. When I see him deadlift 400lbs it makes me want to deadlift more than 80lbs haha.

This is why I recommend for beginners to start taking a class, because it allows you to meet these people who can provide social support.

4. Do Something That Makes You Uncomfortable

I think this is a good motivational tip for life in general. I find, at least for myself, when I am pushed outside my comfort zone I am not only more motivated but happier, more fulfilled and feel more accomplished. For working out in the gym it may learning how to use a machine you have NO idea how to use (please ask the personal trainer on duty to show you) or joining a fitness class that scares the mess out of you (like Bobby's "GET LEAN" craziness here at UoW).

Other areas in life where this applies...
  • Striking up a conversation at a coffee shop with a stranger.
  • Calling someone you know, but have never hung out with before and asking them out for lunch (who cares if they say no).
  • Trying something different like rock climbing, beach volleyball, handgliding or skiing.
  • Get in your car and purposely try and get lost (I do this all the time in Hamilton when Scott's at work, it's really fun.
  • Going out with your friends to karaoke and singing when you’re not hammered.
  • Buying an outfit that's totally not your style, but you've wanted to try and wearing it out that night.
If any of you have any more suggestions leave a comment! I'm always looking for more suggestions.

Well, I'm going to leave it there for now.

Stay Strong Internets


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