Sunday, September 30, 2012

Egg Muffin Goodness for your Mornings

 Good Afternoon Internet World

Sorry about the lack of blog action. Life has been very busy lately!

Today I’m going to give you a recipe I’m actually going to try today. I’ve heard it’s really good, and is great if you’re time crunched in the morning and want to get your protein in.

I’ll update this blog post once I try one/make them to let you know how it goes.

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

  • 1 large sweet onion finely chopped

  • 1 green bell pepper chopped

  • 1 red bell pepper chopped

  • 1 jalapeno chopped (optional)

  • 12 large eggs

  • Salt and pepper


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Sautee onions and peppers until desired (I like them more cooked). Whisk eggs in a bowl then add onions and peppers after cooling them for a couple of minutes. Add salt and pepper (and any other spice you’d like). Coat a large muffin pan with oil. Add ¼ cup of the mixture to each muffin cup. Place in oven for 10-15 minutes and enjoy!!

There’s a nice and simple way to make sure you get breakfast and your protein all in one shot!

I’ll let you know how they turn out


I cooked a batch up and large 12 eggs made about 13 muffins in a standard cupcake tray. Like my sister said in the comments below they take more like 20-30 minutes to bake. You'll know they're done when you can put a fork in it and nothing is on the fork when you take it out of the muffin!

Franks red hot goes really well with them <3

Here's some pictures....

Egg muffins ready for baking!

She's beautiful!


Stay Strong
~Byn Training


  1. Why peppers, may I ask? Would it be alright to sub tomatoes and cucumbers? Gonna whip this up real quick and see how they come out.

  2. Okay I just made a batch of these.

    Things to note:

    - They take longer than 10-15 minutes if you fill the muffin tin up all the way to the top, which you want to do if you want the eggs to rise into a proper "muffin" shape. I ended up having to cook mine for 30 minutes, just keep adding 5 minute increments until they aren't squishy in the middle.

    - I used the veg that was sitting in my fridge. So that was tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, mushrooms and spinach. Turned out great.

    - I only used 10 eggs because my eggs are "extra large", 10 eggs made 8 muffins and would have likely made more had I not spilled some of the mixture on the ground.

  3. Awesome Megan, thanks for the info. I was going to make them shortly and now I can save myself some hassle. The recipe just calls for peppers, but I assume you can put whatever your heart desires in there as long as it's cut up small enough. Cheese would be a nice addition, but would increase the calories of course

  4. Yeah I had that thought "Hmm maybe I should stick cheese in there" but like you said, calories :P As I type this I am eating my egg muffin. 30 seconds in the microwave warms it up just a little and takes the chill from the fridge off! Nomnomnom
