Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labour Day Workout

Hello There Internets

I made one of my kick ass clients do this workout on Labour day and we both agreed it was so awesome we should share it with the world. If you need to me elaborate on anything feel free to email me or comment below.

Warning: do not try this workout if you are not of reasonable fitness because it's a hard one.

Circuit 1: Cardio Tabatas
  1. Burpies: 5 Sets of 20 seconds with 10 second break
  2. Mountain Climbers: 5 Sets of 20 seconds with 10 second break
  3. Stair Run: 5 Sets of 20 seconds with 10 second break
Circuit 2: Leg Blaster
  1. 45 Seconds of agility ladder in out jump squats
  2. 45 Seconds of jump lunge
  3. 45 Seconds of romanian deadlifts
  4. 45 Seconds of yoga ball bridges
2 minute break: repeat circuit 3 times

Circuit 3: Cardio Tabatas 2
  1. High Knee Run:  Sets of 20 seconds with 10 second break
  2. Bosu Lateral Run:  Sets of 20 seconds with 10 second break
  3. Alternating Rope Drill:  Sets of 20 seconds with 10 second break
Circuit 4: Arms!
  1. 45 seconds of push ups
  2. 45 second bent over K Bell Row
  3. 45 second lateral raise/front raise combo
  4. 45 second bent over posterior delt fly with dumbells
2 minute break: repeat 3 times

This should take you about an hour to do. If you can get the breaks down to 1 minute for Legs and Arms you should be done quicker.

Enjoy mwwwhahahaha

Stay Strong

Byn <3


  1. Tabatas??? Could you explain what that is? Sorry, I'm new to the fitness world. Thanks :)

  2. Tabata's is a name given to a type of interval training where a bout of high intensity (usually body weight) exercises are coupled with rest periods that are half the amount of time. For example, Burpies for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds rest for 5-8 sets. The high intensity interval phase usually doesn't last over 45 seconds and is no shorter than 20 seconds.

    I hope this helps! Great question

  3. Y did you stop blogging =(

  4. Hi Anonymous!

    I stopped blogging because my masters unfortunately has taken over my life (hence the last one being right before the semester started)

    However, I have recently be thinking about how much I miss instructing and blogging, and well being me, so I will be doing both again.

    This is prompted not only by myself but by fans asking for me back (other then yourself).

    So stay tuned, I will be back!
