Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How I Lost 7 pounds with Slight Changes to my Lifestyle

Hello My Internet Friends!!!

Today, I’m going to discuss how I lost 7 lbs over the last 4 months without changing my lifestyle drastically. My goal is to show you that weight loss can be done manageably, but also to give you an idea of what it does take to drop those unwanted lbs.

I decided it was time to lose a little bit of weight after I came back from my maid of honours wedding and stepped on the scale to see a number I wasn’t too happy with. Now, let start off by saying that I think focusing too much on what you weigh is unhealthy, but it can give you a relative indication on how your body is doing.

When I came back in early April I was 139lbs. I’m 5’4 and pretty muscular, but I did not like the way my clothes were fitting so, slowly, I made small changes and the weight has come off. Today, roughly 4 months later I’m 132lbs. 

So what did I do? Well, I changed my a) diet and b) the intensity and amount of physical activity I was doing.

*Note: When starting this weight loss mini goal I was already active 4 times a week and relatively healthy with my consumption. If you are looking on how to start a new exercise program visit this blog and this blog.


My diet before was pretty standard: Bagel for breakfast with tea, usually salad for lunch, a couple snacks and sitrfry/pasta/Mexican for dinner... here are the changes I made.

1.       Protein and Less Carbs at Breakfast: Over the last 4 months I have changed my bagel or nothing but tea for breakfast to 2 poached eggs, half an avocado, and 2 pieces of light rye toast. I make sure I eat this every morning, even on weekends. Sometimes I’ll have half a glass of OJ or a tea with 2 sugar and milk.

2.       Eat out Less: This change was more of a consequence from moving from downtown Kitchener to the suburbs. Scott and I cook pretty much every night, and eat out maybe once a week. While living down town we’d definitely eat out once a week and sometimes up to 3 times a week. Take out/restaurant food usually has more sodium and higher fat content then home cooked meals.

3.       No Bread Products for Lunch: I think this (along with my breakfast change) has made a big difference. I eat lots of fruit and veggies, salads, nuts, cheese for lunch but avoid bread. Most of the time my lunch consists of half an apple with peanut butter and some cut up vegetables, or a salad with chicken and cheese. Before I would have no lunch, subway, or left over pasta.

4.       More Snacks Throughout the Day: One thing I’ve really managed to do well except for 3 or 4 busy days over the last 4 months is to make sure I’m eating every 2-3 hours. I don’t eat a lot, but I make sure I eat something. For example, if I notice 2 hours has past I’ll eat a handful of nuts or baby carrots or a yogurt.

5.       Smaller Portions at Dinner: Scott can contest that this is one of my biggest downfalls. At dinner I’m notorious for having 3 servings then eating as I put left overs away! I’ve changed this to smaller servings, one serving. If I don’t feel satisfied after dinner I have some fruit or a glass of wine and that usually does the trick.

6.       No More/Less beer: It’s no secret that I drink. I know lots of fitness professionals that are 0 alcohol advocates. I am not one of those people because I think wine and beer is a very big part of culture. However, I have basically cut out all beer over the last 4 months. My drink of choice is white wine. I also try to never have more than 2 glasses. I may have 3 if it’s the weekend or I’ve had a really...really bad day 

7.       Drink More Water: I aim for at least 3 pints a day


As I mentioned above, before starting this mini-experiment, life change situation, I was regularly physically active. My weeks starting out generally looked like this....

Monday: Rest day
Tuesday:  Climbing sometimes spin
Wednesday: Every other week high intensity circuit training 45 minute class
Thursday: Climbing
Friday: High intensity circuit training (HICT)
Saturday: nothing
Sunday: nothing

What I have changed since then in a) climbing more when I can, b) more high intensity circuit training (2-3 times/week, and c) lots more cardio

This is what my weeks generally look like now. My goal is to something everyday (with one rest day sometimes), while listening to my body (e.g., if my legs are sore I'll do cardio not weight training)

Monday: Strength training 6am class 45 minutes
Tuesday: Climbing + OR HICT
Wednesday: Every other week HICT OR workout on own
Thursday: Climbing OR Spin
Friday: 45 minute HICT/Spin/Climbing/Hot Yoga (sometimes I’ll do 2 of the 4 in different combinations)
Saturday: 2 hour fitness class or workout
Sunday: Rest day or workout depending on how my week went.

So there is lots of variation in my workout schedule. I think this has kept my body guessing. Also the huge increase of HICT has really done a number on my numbers!

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns let me know. Now... a chicken salad is calling my name!

Stay  Strong


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5 on 5 Plus New Playlist!

Hey Interwebs

Just waiting for my fitness class and I thought I'd write down what we are going to do today. As you know, I'm an interval-er (is that a word), so our workout for Tuesday is 5 on 5's.

After a dynamic warm up we are going to do 5 minutes of cardio drills followed by 5 minutes of resistance. If you do not know what any of theses exercises are please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail at

Cardio Drills (1 minute each)

1. Lateral Bosu Run
2. Dome Taps
3. Weighted Burpies
4. Dumbbell Swings
5. Speed Skaters

Resistance Drills (1 minute each)

1. Alternating Reverse Lunge Curl Press with Dumbbells (curl and press when in lunge)
2. Deadlift--> Squat--> Press with Barbell
3. Bent Over Dumbbell Row/Kick Back Combo
4. Yoga Ball Chest Press Fly Combo (Dumbbell)
5. Bicep--> Shoulder--> Rear Delt Combo

The aim is for us to do cardio 3 times and resistance 3 times before moving to core.


1. Plank Up Downs: 30 seconds
2. Plank Roll Unders: 30 seconds
3. Side Plank Dips: 30 seconds each side
4. Plank Jump Ups/Modified Mountain Climbers: 30 seconds
5. Bird Dog

Our goal is to do this 3 times

I've also downloaded a new playlist for today. There's some oldies, some newbies, and some awesome remixes I've never heard before (#7 is amazing). If you click on the song it will take you to the link on Youtube :)

1. Lady Gaga: ScheiBe
2. Nicki Minaj: Pound the Alarm
3. Katy Perry: Wide Awake (Jump Smokers Remix)
4. Justin Timberlake: Sexy Back (Drastik Remix)
5. The PussyCat Dolls: Buttons (Vj Percy Tribal Mix)
6. Flo Rider: Good Feeling (Electro House Bootleg Mix)
7.  Destiny's Child: Survivor (Rock Remix by Bliix)
8. Maroon 5: Payphone (Binyamin Remix)
9. Beyonce: Sweet Dreams (Dance Remix)
10. Nicki Minaj: Automatic
11. Carly Rae Japsen: Call Me Maybe (v1r00z Remix)

To change any of the above songs to mp3 for your ipod go here: Youtube to MP3 Coverter
I hope y'all find this helpful!

As always, comments/questions/concerns are always welcome by Byn!!!

Stay Strong

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Byn’s “Must Have” Meals

Hi Internets!

This week, I’m gonna get a little more personal all up in here. Something I get asked a lot is how I eat specifically. Well, let me first say that my diet is far from air tight for losing weight per sey since I consider myself at more of a maintenance stage. However, I will share with you some of my “go to” meals and snacks when I’m looking to eat healthy and when I’m crunched for time.

*Note: I believe in a balanced diet of eating a variety of healthy foods. I know there are a lot of varying opinions about what to eat and what not to eat (e.g., some think starches are bad, high fat is bad, cholesterol ect, ect). Call me a traditionalist, but I follow government/physiologist established guidelines, because some pretty smart people spent a lot of time constructing them.


The first meal of the day has been a long process for me to “get right”. I grew up in a house where breakfast was an option rather than a necessity. Let me start off by saying that what you’ve heard is true… breakfast is very important for overall health (and definitely weight loss). There have actually been studies that have shown correlations between those who eat breakfast with having lower mortality and morbidity rates.

So what do I eat for breakfast? Well, it varies, but at the moment I am hooked on one meal in particular…

2 soft poached eggs, half an avocado, and 2 pieces of light rye toast, salt and pepper.

Directions: First, I poach my eggs (I recommend an egg poacher) and toast my light rye. Then I use the avocado (healthy fat) as a spread instead of margarine. This meal takes me 5-10 minutes to make maximum. I think we can all find time for that right?
The eggs provide long lasting protein, the avocado provides healthy fat (which I’ve read is important in the morning, especially for women), and the light rye gives you a kick of energy without too many calories.

Other healthy breakfast options that follow my general guidelines of a balanced meal are….

  • 1 cup of oatmeal (make with water for less caloric intake) with fresh berries/banana
  • 2 egg omelet with a variety of vegetables (this one takes much longer)
  • 2 pieces of light rye with peanut butter/almond butter (organic is healthier) and 1 banana


I recommend snacks in between “meals”. Some people snack throughout the day with having breakfast as their only “big” meal (say over 400 calories). I do agree with this perspective, but I find it takes the fun out of cooking a little bit. Also, sometimes with continuous snacking essential nutritients can be overlooked since “snack” foods generally can be pretty limited.

My rule of thumb is to never go more than 3 hours without eating something. Here are some awesome snacks to help you out.
  • Nuts: any type of nut is going to provide you with protein and healthy fat. Where most people fail with nuts is a) how they are prepared and b) the serving size. For nuts a serving size is the size your palm. Only have one serving per snack period. Also, you want nuts without any crap on them. What I mean is salt, sugar coating, potato coating (although delicious)… ect.

  • Raw Vegetables and Cheese: Also a favorite snack of mine. I prefer baby carrots for my vegetable snack because they take no time to prepare. Other options can include, bell peppers, snow peas, Baby tomatoes.... really whatever you like raw.  The cheese is included for protein. I usually eat block cheese and not a lot of it (maybe 1 or 2 slices). An even healthier option would be cottage cheese for your protein.

  • An Apple and Peanut Butter: I find this one is awesome 1-2 hours before a workout. It can be a little messy if you take it into work. For example, I just cut up an apple, throw it in a Tupperware and scoop 1-2 table spoons into the Tupperware. I know they do have little containers but I always seem to loose them. I figure that’s why they make napkins. Organic peanut butter/almond butter is a healthier option.

For snacks the major thing to remember is you want protein to be included in some capacity along with something that is low calorie and filling (veggies, fruit). Above are 3 easier options, but if you have more time to prepare things feel free to get creative (e.g., quinoa salads, chicken breast ect). I just don’t like/have a lot of time to spend preparing my meals most weeks 


To me, lunch is an option unless I have had like an 11am workout or a really busy (active) morning. Often I will just have 3 or 4 snacks throughout the day until dinner. However, there are some “go tos” for me for healthy lunches. I find they essentially almost mimic my snacks in larger form.

  • Salad with a Healthy Fat and Protein: Healthy fats can include your dressing (I recommend 2 table spoons of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar), half an avocado or nuts. Your salad can basically be a combination of any vegetables/roughage you want. I often will use baby spinach because it’s high in iron and I can use it for stuff like stirfrys. Protein can be chicken, turkey, lean cut steak, tofu, nuts …. You get the idea. For protein serving size, keep it to as big as your palm.

  • Left Overs: This can be an awesome motivation to cook healthy at night! For example, my lunch today is a chicken/veggie coconut curry stirfry with rice noodles that Scott and I made yesterday. Just make sure you watch the serving size. Other awesome meals that work great as left overs…. Grilled chicken breast and mashed cauliflower and vegetarian Mexican rice (see below)


Ideally, you want to eat dinner within the hour after working out (if you work out at night that is). For dinner we generally follow the same rule of thumb as breakfast with the idea of left overs for the next day.

One important note for the left over strategy…. Make sure you put the left overs away before you eat. I say this because, if you’re like me, you’ll go back and get more if it’s still out.

Below I’ll provide one of our favourite and very quick meals:

Mexican Rice (note: brown rice is healthier, but we use white because of $$)


  • Rice (1-2 cups for 2 adults)*with the idea of leftovers
  • 1.5 Avocado (for 2 adults)* with the idea of left overs
  • 1-2 cloves of Garlic
  • Lime juice
  • ¼ Onion
  • Salt and pepper
  • Salsa (homemade is healthier)
  • 1 package of taco/burrito flavouring (light)

  • Cook the rice
  • Cook the ground beef and add the taco flavouring as directed
  • While the first two are cooking make your guacamole by adding the avocado, lime juice, raw diced onion, garlic, and pepper in a bowl. Now mash the hell out of it.
  • Add the meat/veggie meat to the rice and stir
  • Serve in a bowl (or plate haha) with 1-2 tablespoons of guacamole and as much salsa as you want

Alrighty! Well, I hope y’all found this post helpful in some capacity. Again, I am not a nutritionist, but I find that this semi-meal plan thing I follow works well for me and gives me lots of energy for my work outs.

As always, questions, comments, or concerns are greatly appreciated and anticipated.

For more information on nutrition take a look at my previous blog posts!
