Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello to You!

Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Robyn and as you already know I am a certified personal trainer, fitness instructor and Human Kinetics student. I am lucky to have found my passion in life, and that is the facilitation of healthier lifestyles in those who want to change and much more difficulty, those that do not.

As corny as this sounds, most of us are bless with healthy, strong bodies as soon as we're born. Unfortunately, as I've come to realize.. we are creatures with the gift of independent cognition and are subject to modern socialization, causing most of us in Westernized modern society seek comfort. This "seeking of comfort" or "pacifying" of our society has been intensified by our consumer mentality, i.e. more is better, more money, more cars, more clothes, more food, more TVs...taking us away from the fundamental gift of movement we have been given. This pacification has resulted in a nation with compromised health as a result of inactivity and overconsumption.

Ok, so what I'm rambling about is= child + abundance of food + growing up in a pacified consumer society + modelling overworked parent behaviour=inactivity and overconsumption= comfort BUT unhealthy, which ultimately is uncomfort.. you just don't realize it until you are healthy (whoa what a mouthful).

You might not 100% agree with this logic, but if one struggling to get healthy thinks of this equation rationally it encompasses every excuse I have heard as a personal trainer. "I don't have enough time!' Why? Because you work long hours, rush and don't eat properly so you can have the car, the house and that TV... oh the kids! Yes we can't forget about them they take up a lot of time when you have to drop them off at gymnastics, how about you work out when they are at their activities. Or better yet...WITH THEM.. rock climbing is an awesome family activity for example (although I may be slightly biased here).

So you might be saying to yourself "Ok Robyn, I get it, I need to work out and eat healthy, this stuff has been jammed down my throat for years and I just [fill in excuse here] i.e. popular ones are "Don't like it", "Don't have the time", "Never stick with it", "Don't find it's worth it", "Don't have the money", "Don't have the time" (oh wait I already said that one). Well never fear BYN IS HERE.

Stick with me and I'll help you via the internets to make this the best year of your life! You show dedication to me, and I will show dedication to you. I promise

Have a safe and happy New Year!
